Transeo Members Meeting in Munich

Reference documents

Peer sharing

On 29 September 2022, we launched the very first Transeo Peer sharing meeting!

The idea: answer a specific business-transfer-related challenge faced by a Transeo Member, with good practices and real-life expriences from peers.

The first challenge is from Tomo Senekovic, BorzaPosla (Slovenia): what services BorzaPosla can offer Slovienan buyers, and what would be their business model?

A follow-up meeting will be organized in the coming weeks to go deeper into the subject.


The Peer sharing session Post meeting pack (summary of the meeting) and the Peer sharing session Contact exchange (relevant contact details) will be available soon!

Transeo Deal Club

A new meeting of the Transeo Deal Club on 29 September 2022 in Munich.

56 attendees. 12 advisors from 6 countries who presented 26 business opportunities.


Transeo Secretariat General also gave an insight on the new online platform that will host the Transeo Deal Club opportunities that will be presented in the next meeting on November 15.

We give you the opportunity to “beta test” the platform and give us feedback and comments to improve the platform.

Interested? Fill in this form and we will invite you!

Transeo Academic Committee

On Thursday afternoon, a meeting of the Transeo Academic Committee took place to discuss future joint research projects for Transeo academic Members. The meeting was hybrid, making it possible for academia from around to world to also join in.

Transeo Academy

The Transeo Academy was given by Christopher Khoury from Transeo Member WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management on the very interesting topic of financial investors and the exits of family firms.

The conference was highly appreciated. Slides are available below.

A webinar will be organized on 20th October 2022, 9h30-10h15 (CEST) in order to get deeper into the case study, introduced at the end of the session. Please register below to participate.


Register to the webinar to discuss the case study

We need your opnion to improve Transeo activities!

We would like to ask you very little of your time to improve your experience as a Transeo Member.

We have created a survey in order to know more about:

  • What is the most important you get from your membership
  • What are the topics that you want to get knowledge about
  • Your expectations as Transeo Member

5 minutes of your time is a small action with a big impact for us and for your membership 🙂




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